Profit from the Internet by writing


Profit from the Internet by writing

Content writing is the queen of digital marketing in our time, and websites cannot be promoted without explanatory and marketing content, as it is necessary for each website to have distinctive content that describes the work, mission, vision and objectives of the entity to which this site belongs.

With the development of our era in the field of e-marketing and the modern technological revolution, content writing has become one of the attractive job opportunities that attract many, due to the flexibility it provides, as the content writer can work from anywhere and at any time without having to commit to specific working hours and one place.

What is Content Writing?

Content writing can be defined as a form of writing that is closely related to Internet marketing campaigns, so that it is specific to a specific website to sell and promote its products or services. The professional content writer works according to the description provided by the client, taking into account the use of SEO keywords, which makes the percentage of access and engagement with this content high, along with better promotion of the site's products or services.

How to start writing content?

In this digital age, there are many websites that need to write content, and it is not enough for the content writer to use what is on his mind only, but to follow the requirements of successful content writing to reach the desired goals of this content.
If you are interested in writing content on websites, the following tips will help you organize your work in order to achieve the best results:

First, use your own style

Following someone else's way of writing in a completely similar style is not a professional approach to start writing content. As you go down your way to find your own style, you'll undoubtedly come across a lot of writers who have a unique approach to writing. In such cases, you can be inspired by them but be careful not to copy their style of writing, since the personality of each individual is different from others, and each of us has qualities that distinguish him, and are reflected in his style of expression, whether This expression was through writing, drawing or other.

Second, think in an innovative and creative way

If you write about content that is already online, what difference does it make in the world of content writing? You should know that writing content on the Internet depends on three main factors: topic, idea, and presentation.
While the theme and idea are often initially determined by the client, the content writer is left with the presentation factor. What makes your content unique and distinct from what is popular on other sites is the way you display it, by putting your own touches, and supporting it with attractive images, videos and designs, which makes it easy to read and absorb and thus gain a reliable audience.

Third, choose the appropriate language level

Before you start writing content, determine the target group that will read what you write, and accordingly choose the appropriate language level. It is not reasonable to use complex language loaded with scientific and technical terms in an article published in a daily newspaper on the Internet. Readers of this newspaper may be specialists or people who have no experience in the subject and want to learn more about it solely for the sake of culture. Similarly, you should not use simple, easy-to-understand language. And superficial if you are writing an article that will be published in a specialized scientific journal. In other words, know your audience before you address them with the content you're writing.

Fourth, research before you start writing:

keep new content writing ideas flowing, you need to research frequently. You should not start writing or planning how to start writing immediately after researching, but you should wait for a short time and collect your ideas and then start writing, the more you search, the more information you have and the wider your horizons of understanding about the topic you need to write about, and thus the flow of ideas will continue mixed with innovation in content writing. You must also have a diary or A notebook to continue writing key words and indicators about the idea once you get them from reference pages that you can also search for, as well as write down the ideas that should be included in this content.

Fifth, do not go beyond the scope of the idea: 

When writing each paragraph of the content, you must commit to writing about the idea presented in this paragraph without going outside its scope, and you can of course discuss some related matters, but make sure that you do not confuse the different ideas in one paragraph of the content. Because by doing so, you will interrupt the sequence of the reader's ideas, which weakens the content and the percentage of achieving its goal.

Sixth, check what you write and avoid mistakes: 

Spelling and grammatical errors negatively affect the content, and alienate readers from it, because they often interrupt the chain of ideas while reading. So always make sure to review and proofread what you write before it is published, whether it is spelling and grammatical errors, errors related to the coherence and consistency of ideas, or even the arrangement and formatting of the text.
Content writing is a vast and extended world, where some people struggle to delve into it despite having the right capabilities to start a successful career in this field. So we advise you to first determine your passion for content writing, choose any of the content areas you want to work in, do you want to write articles and blogs, or are you more inclined to build website content, or perhaps you prefer to work in the field of content marketing.
After choosing the right field, you can follow the previous steps to come up with high-quality content that guarantees you success and start a profitable career.

Seventh and finally, choose the title carefully: 

Let's take this simple example: Let's say you were browsing a website, and the following article titles caught your eye:

  • ·       "How to start your career as an entrepreneur"
  • ·       "7 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur"
  • ·       "Become a successful entrepreneur in the fastest time and with minimal effort"

Each of these articles may contain just as much information, but you'll probably choose the third article to read because it sounds more interesting.

Ask yourself this question: "If I were in the reader's shoes, would I continue reading the article?". What determines the answer to this question is the title you choose for your article or the content you write. Always keep in mind that the first sentences in any content you write determine its success or failure. So strive as much as possible to make the first paragraph interesting and choose an attractive title that attracts the reader to learn more, taking into account that it is relevant to the topic, of course.

The best platforms for work in the field of writing: 

Creative writing skills are necessary today to formulate ideas in an organized and professional manner, and we can consider it one of the most important skills in the field of business, especially in the field of marketing and business, and from here there are many and different types of this writing, from writing scientific articles, to writing advertisements to market the products offered to attract the attention of customers, to educational and medical articles,  At Lookin MENA, we have collected the most important online work sites through which you can work in writing creative content in all its forms.

Foreign platforms:


is one of the most famous foreign sites through which you can write content in various languages, and develop your professional expertise in the field of content writing.


is one of the distinctive foreign sites for freelancing in the content industry, and other services.


This platform is unique and suitable for content writing.


It is one of the best sites that helps you get a job and facilitates your remote employment process in addition to the opportunity to get part-time work.


, a marketplace specialized in the field of e-work and self-employment, supports freelancers to provide their services and get an excellent wage by providing services.

Arab Platforms: 


is considered one of the large Arab sites to provide and offer content writing services, and it is one of the large sites known to provide all the work of the freelance fields.


is a website that brings together business owners and freelancers to provide their services, from writing advertising content to specialized content in various fields.


is the ideal platform for freelancers, through the Maharati platform, you can be creative by providing your services by writing creative content.


the largest Arab market to work online, through Khamsat you can write content in various forms for customers and business owners.

Ai Khadmah

, through any service, you can display your talent by writing content and displaying it within the site, in the shortest possible time, starting from $ 5 to more numbers depending on the type of service.


provides a fertile environment for content creators and connects them with company and business owners, through Estekeb you can find entrepreneurs who want to write creative content for their projects.
