Create a website and profit from it

Create a website  and profit from it

Investing in the field of e-commerce and working on creating a profitable website is an ideal way to start your business online and make a quick profit, as it does not need a lot of time and effort and also does not need large capital in addition to the many other advantages it offers compared to other traditional businesses.
In order to achieve a business plan for a professional online store that has the necessary elements of success, we review with you in the article how to create a website specialized in e-commerce and profit from it and the easiest ways to help you do so.

What is meant by the website

website is several files that are accessible via a web address, and provide a specific content or service, and are managed by a specific person or company, the opening page is called the main interface.
Websites typically use "HTML" in order to organize and display information appropriately and provide navigation loops to allow users to navigate within the site with ease.

The difference between the store and the website:

First of all, we explain what is meant by a website or website, which can be simply defined as
A platform that occupies a space on the Internet and provides various services that may be educational, commercial, marketing and others.

As for the online store, it is:

A form of e-commerce that allows consumers to buy goods or services directly from the seller via the Internet, it is a site to sell your products through the Internet, and the customer can access it by searching for the products you offer through various search engines or through good marketing for your store that makes you reach the right customers.A form of e-commerce that allows consumers to buy goods or services directly from the seller via the Internet, it is a site to sell your products through the Internet, and the customer can access it by searching for the products you offer through various search engines or through good marketing for your store that makes you reach the right customers.

Things to know before building a website

You should create a website for your business to help it grow online. This allows you to reach more audiences and take advantage of your digital presence. Here are some things you should keep in mind before creating a website for your business.

Set your website goals: 

You should set your goals before creating a website for your business. Is it to let more people know your brand? Is it selling more products? Is it keeping users engaged? Or is it to showcase your creative work? It could be any of these or all of those, make sure you get it!

Market Research:

Setting a goal doesn't help you achieve it. You need to put in the effort and knowledge of your market to create an effective strategy. Do detailed research and find out what sets your website apart. Study other business websites built in the same industry as yours and check what they are missing and that you can offer.

Know your target audience:

Knowing what your audience is looking for, affects almost all elements of your website creation plan. These elements include the theme of your website, design, content, optimization strategy, marketing and networking efforts, and much more. You should research and understand what can attract people towards your website and make choices accordingly.

Know your brand:

No one knows your brand better than you. Make choices that fit your brand. Your website is a vital component of your business that has been serving your brand for years. With the help of an excellent website, you can attract new people and develop your brand reputation. With this in mind, design your website image that represents your brand well. Make sure the base color of your website matches the color of your brand. Helps you grab the attention of Target audience.

Create a website promotion strategy:

Even when creating an excellent website, you still need to attract visitors. Before you build and run your website, you need to create a better promotion and marketing strategy. People won't find your website only on search engines. You need to improve it to attract more and more visitors. Create a list of ideas on how to develop your website's identity using various solutions like content marketing, SEO, and marketing via social media and much more.

Is the website profitable?

Creating a website for your business is a useful way to build your brand widely and prove a high position on the Internet, as this is one of the first steps to profit from your site if it is well designed.
So you can create a blog on topics that you are interested in or have extensive experience with.
If you are a person who is passionate about blogging, you will enjoy positive results from your website, including more customers, sales, leads, and many more.
You can also profit from the website by contracting with Google Ads, and you return a very good profit.

Types of content you can create:

  1. ·        Infographics: This type of content is characterized as prominent graphics that present information and data in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner.
  2. ·       Annotations: Explanations can help your audience learn new skills and solve problems, making them a valuable resource.
  3. ·       Case Studies: Case studies can showcase the results and impact of your products and services, providing valuable information to your audience and illustrating your experiences.
  4. ·       Social media posts: Social media is a great way to reach a wider audience and share updates and content with followers.
  5. ·       Articles: Regular articles or blogs are a great way to share information, data, and updates with your audience.
  6. ·       Videos: A powerful tool to engage with your audience and make a visual presentation of your content.
  7. ·       Product reviews: This type of content has become popular recently, it helps your audience make decisions to buy products and services, and you can provide valuable information and comparisons.
  8. ·       Flyers: Posts can be used to keep your audience informed and engaged, and can be used to promote your products and services.

Website features

website has many wonderful features that benefit its owner when it is created for the first time, let us review with you the most important of these features, which are as follows:

Your domain name:

Your project name will help you improve your brand and make you more professional.
It can also improve search engine rankings, and create traffic, which is one of the most common features that increase expansion over time.


Your company's brand helps to stand out and individuals, so integrating your brand on your website makes it easier for users to know you easily and that you are their best choice while browsing.

Ease of communication:

Include ways to communicate and other contact numbers for easy access to your company and request services faster.

Search box:

search box at the top of your site plays a great role, which is the ease of navigation in your site, and this is one of the basics of designing your website and its most important features because it makes it easier for the visitor to quickly find the desired service or product without the need to browse the entire site.

About the company or business:

About the company is a short sentence that clarifies the purpose and overall purpose of your company.
It also contributes to the visibility of your company's brand more widely in front of the public.

The cost of creating a commercial website:

As we mentioned, there are two ways through which you can create a website and profit from it, the first way is to use one of the e-commerce platforms that provide that service, and for those platforms it has different price plans and various packages through which to choose; the subscription can also be monthly or annual according to the customer's desire.

The prices of these packages vary according to the type of services you want and can be summarized as follows:

  • ·       The cost of creating a business website for small and emerging businesses is $20 to $30 per month.
  • ·       The cost of creating a business website for medium and large companies is from $ 90 to $ 100 per month.

As for the second plan, which is that you create a website yourself by using a designer or marketing company specialized in web design, its cost is slightly high, starting from a minimum of $ 200 to approximately $ 10,000 in the case of large companies that contract with professional design companies.

How to create a website and profit from it?

Creating a website on the Internet helps you reach the largest category of users, and also contributes to enhancing mutual trust between the company and its customers, the website is the window through which the company overlooks its customers and their requirements, so we explain some important things before designing websites, which are as follows:

Setting your website goals:

You must define your goals before creating your own website, do you want it to gain a lot of audience to recognize your brand? Is it for more sales? Is it to keep real customers engaged? Or is it until you showcase your creative field?, so check your goal before you start it.

Market research:

You also need to make an effort and know your market to plan an effective strategy, so you must fully research and know what distinguishes your website.
You should study other commercial websites that operate in the same activity as you and check what is missing on them and you can provide on your site.

Know your target audience:

Discovering what your target customers are looking for has a clear impact on all elements of your website creation plan.
These elements include the theme of your site, design, content, effective strategy, marketing and platform effort, etc.
Do your research and find out what people can pay attention to on your website and make the appropriate choices for that.

Know your brand:

No one has a better knowledge of your brand than you, you have to make the right choices for your brand.
Your website is a vital place for your project as it serves your brand for years, relying on a successful website design, through which you can attract new customers and develop from showing your brand.

Create a website promotion strategy:

 Before creating and launching your website, you need to create an effective promotion and marketing strategy, not only do people search for you on search engines, but it must be optimized to attract a lot of customers, using different methods such as content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, etc.

Profit from a website:

We will talk about this in our next article.
